Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School logo

Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School

Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School

Imagine Endeavour Achieve

Telephone02 9630 4116


2024 Term 2 - Important Dates

  • Last day of term for students - Friday 5th July 

2024 Term 3 - Important Dates

  • Year 12 HSC Trial Exams start - Monday 22nd July - Friday 2nd August 2024.
  • Staff Development Day - Students not required to attend school except Year 12 who will attend their HSC Trial exams - Monday 22nd July 2024
  • All students return to school - Tuesday 23rd July 2024
  • Australian Mathematics Competition will be from the Tuesday 6th August to Thursday 8th August. Exact dates to be determined
  • P&C Meeting - Wednesday 7th August 2024  7.00 pm- All Welcome!
  • NCAPAHS Market Night - Friday 30th August 2024 - 5.00 - 9.00 pm

Hello to our Northmead High School Community, 

Our next P&C meeting will be: Wednesday 7th August (week 3 of Term 3) at 7.00pm in the Common room.



Upcoming events




Change to School bus timetable - effective Monday 5th August


25 July-19 August


All day

Northmead CAPa High School

Bus service changes to many routes in the Hills district will commence from Sunday 04 August 2024 with details available on the following link: CDC Bus timetable changes information and here Changes to school services commence Monday 05 August 2024, with details for your school listed below; 2554 starts 2 mins later Please find attached the updated school bus advice. We remind students they must have a valid Opal card to travel on all buses, and must tap on and off morning and afternoon.


When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.

Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:

  • meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation

  • includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics

  • is appropriate for the full range of school activities

  • is suitable for all body shapes.

Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.

Uniform Shop

Daylight Schoolwear are the suppliers of our school uniform.

The Uniform Shop is located within our school

You can order by simply downloading an order form from the school website and bring it to the Uniform Shop.


Online Ordering from

Ready for click and collect from the uniform Shop

Trading Hours During School Term:

  • Monday: 8:00am -11:00am
  • Wednesday: 8.00am -11:00am
  • Friday: 12:00pm –3:00pm

Contact During Shop Hours:

Mobile: 0435 216 361


Northmead Creative and Performing Arts Open Day Presentation

After a successful student only Open Day with over 200 primary school students in attendance, we understand that parents are very interested to know about the vibrant and comprehensive learning enviroment that our dedicated and experienced staff have created here at Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School.

Mr Mark Milne, one of our Deputy Principals, will guide you through our Digital Open Day presentation as he outlines the excellent academic, sporting and creative opportunities that are on offer to the students of Northmead CAPA High School.

School enrolment